Atrex 12 Change List

The following is a list of changes that have been made to the Atrex 12 package since the 11.0x release. For your convenience, the list has been broken down into functional areas:

Purchase Orders
Service Orders
Report Designer
Database Server


  • New toolbar buttons that are 125% larger.
  • New button and menu images.
  • New stylized application icon.
  • New custom mouse pointer icon indicates to users the presence of a pop-up menu, available via mouse right-click, when mousing over a window.
  • New window controls allow users to personalize the look and feel of Atrex. On a window-by-window basis, both the size of the window and the content of the window’s grid are customizable. The details of these controls are listed below.
  • New transaction windows are multi-tabbed to maximize display space and reduce the number of keystrokes/mouse clicks required to process transactions. Common transaction information (e.g., customer name, transaction totals) is displayed in the header and in the footer area of window so that this information is visible from all tabs. As well, when customer names are part of that information, the customers last and first name is now displayed.
  • New function key combination, Alt-F6, added to the Sales menu, allows users to invoke the Edit Order function directly.
  • New function, Active Windows, allows users to multi-task within Atrex. For example, while editing a sales order, a user can click on the Sales menu, select Invoice, and now have both an order and an invoice open at the same time. The details of this function listed below.
  • New menu, Window, lists all Active Windows and allows users to switch between active windows. The details of this function are listed below with the details of the new function, Active Windows.
  • Added vertical scroll bars to memo fields.
  • Added radio box, Scanner sends mag strip information on …, on credit card Mag Stripe Scan window, allows users to specify whether to send tracks 1 and 2 on one line or on separate lines.
  • Modified selection fields now allow users to select by typing without first opening the drop-down list. As users type, the drop-down list displays all the values beginning with the characters entered.
  • Modified Stock Code, Customer, and Vendor Entry windows now display the Most Recently Used (MRU) list when users press the down arrow key. This allows users to ensure the correct item is chosen from the MRU list.
  • Modified numeric entry fields now allow users to enter decimal values without first entering a leading zero.
  • Modified date fields now allow users to enter dates user fewer keystrokes. Once the default date is displayed, users can modify the date by entering short numeric values (e.g., 1/1/7 for January 1, 2007 ) or date constants (e.g., BOM for the first day of the current month). The details of the modified data fields are listed below.
  • Modified credit card number fields now preserve user-entered spacing.

Selection Windows

  • New window controls allow users to filter or group by any single column or multiple columns.
  • Added date fields, on the applicable selection windows, allow users to set and modify date ranges without exiting from the window and eliminated the need for the Date Range Entry window.
  • Modified window height shows users more line items in each window.

Resizable Windows

New window controls allow users to modify the height and width of individual windows. Once the window is resized, users can, using the window’s new pop-up menu item, Save Window Settings, save any modifications. Once saved, the next time the window is opened, it displays using the saved size. The modification is specific to the current workstation allowing different systems to use window sizes appropriate to the monitor resolution. A window’s size can be restored, using the window’s new pop-up menu function, Rest Window Defaults, to its default size. The following is a list of all the resizable windows:

Invoice Creation/Editing

Inventory Manufacturer Maintenance

RMA Creation/Editing

Recurring Invoice Creation/Editing

Inventory Location Maintenance

RMA Receiving

Order Creation/Editing

Container/Assembly Definition

Customer RMA Creation/Editing

Order Shipping

Container Customization

Customer RMA Receiving

Quote Creation/Editing

Batch PO Create

Customer RMA Shipping

Quote Shipping

PO Creation/Editing

SO Job Information

Stock Code Selection

Purchase Order Receiving

SQL Interface

Serialized Editing

Direct Receiving


Inventory Category Maintenance

Customer Selection


Inventory Subcategory Maintenance

Vendor Selection


Customizable Grids

New window controls allow users to modify the order that columns are displayed, vary the width of columns, and using the window’s new pop-up menu function, Choose Grid Fields, select the fields displayed. Once the grid is customized, users can, using the window’s new pop-up menu item, Save Window Settings, save any modifications. Once saved, the next time the window is opened, it displays using the saved column order, column widths, and fields. The modification is specific to the current workstation allowing different systems to have column orders, column widths, and fields appropriate to the system’s user. A window’s column order, column widths, and fields can be restored, using the window’s new pop-up menu function, Rest Window Defaults, to its default column order and fields. The following is a list of all the windows with customizable grids:

Invoice Creation/Editing

Inventory Location Maintenance

Vendor Selection

Recurring Invoice Creation/Editing

Transfer Creation

RMA Creation/Editing

Order Creation/Editing

Transfer Receiving

RMA Receiving

Order Shipping

Container/Assembly Definition

Customer RMA Creation/Editing

Quote Creation/Editing

Container Customization

Customer RMA Receiving

Quote Shipping

Batch PO Create

Customer RMA Shipping

Stock Code Selection

PO Creation/Editing

SO Job Information – Job Parts tab

Inventory Category

Purchase Order Receiving


Inventory Subcategory Maintenance

Direct Receiving


Inventory Manufacturer Maintenance

Customer Selection


Active Windows

New function, Active Windows, allows users to have multiple Atrex windows open for data entry concurrently. Once one Active Window is open, users can open additional Active Windows and then switching between all Active Windows as desired. The new menu, Windows, assists users to switch between Active Windows, This is particularly useful when an Active Window is hidden behind another window. The menu lists, in the order that the Active Windows are opened, both the type of transaction (e.g., Invoice, Order, Quote) and the transaction number. Please note that if the Pre-Allocate Transaction Numbers option is not active, new transactions do not display a transaction number. In addition, the menu is grayed out when there are no active windows.

The Active Windows function is, in general, limited to transaction windows (e.g., Invoice Creation/Editing window). Other Atrex windows, including the Atrex Customization window, are not Active Windows and when one of these windows is open, users must close the window before they are able to once again switch between any open Active Windows. The following is a list of all the Active Windows:

Invoice Creation/Editing

Transfer Receiving

RMA Receiving

Order Creation/Editing

PO Creation/Editing

Customer RMA Creation/Editing

Order Shipping

Batch PO Creation

Customer RMA Receiving

Quote Creation/Editing

Purchase Order Receiving

Customer RMA Shipping

Serialized Editing (single occurrence only)

Service Order Creation/Editing

SQL Interface (single occurrence only)

Inventory Transfer

Service Order Quote Creation/Editing

Report Maintenance (single occurrence only)


RMA Creation/Editing

Report Designer

Date Fields

Modified date fields now allow users to enter single digits for day, month, and year. This functionality is dependent on the workstation’s date format so may behave differently based on the regional settings. Users can also enter one, two, or three letters, as required, to uniquely identify a date constant. The following is a list of all the date constants:

  • Today – The current date
  • Yesterday – Yesterday's date
  • Tomorrow – Tomorrow's date
  • Sunday – Next Sunday
  • Monday – Next Monday
  • Tuesday – Next Tuesday
  • Wednesday – Next Wednesday
  • Thursday – Next Thursday
  • Friday – Next Friday
  • Saturday – Next Saturday
  • First – The first day of the current week
  • Second – The second day of the current week
  • Third – The third day of the current week
  • Fourth – The fourth day of the current week
  • Fifth – The fifth day of the current week
  • Sixth – The sixth day of the current week
  • Seventh – The seventh day of the current week
  • BOM – The first day of the current month
  • EOM – The last day of the current month
  • Now – The current date, including the current time

Report Generation

  • New output destination, Email & Printer, on the Output Destination window, allows users to direct the report to both email and the specified printer.
  • New selection field, Layout, on the Output Destination window, allows users to select an alternate layout when printing.
  • New export functions simplify the export options and better emulate the printed format when the output destination is a file. As well, the user is prompted before an existing file is overwritten.
  • Modified email attachment file name now corresponds to the transaction's type (i.e., Invoice, Order, Quote, SO, and PO ). All other reports are named Report.

Database Functions

  • Modified serial number retrieval function now displays the list of available serial numbers faster.
  • Modified allocated quantity function now accommodates over shipping items from sales orders.
  • Modified allocated quantity function now accommodates over receiving items from purchase orders.
  • Modified transaction number allocation function now includes quotes, service orders, and service order quotes. Transaction numbers are pre-allocated for these transaction types if the Pre-Allocate Transaction Numbers option is selected.


  • New menu items, Clone, added to Sales menu for invoice, orders, and quotes, allow users to create a new transaction based on any existing transaction.
  • New menu items, Move Item Up and Move Item Down, added to the Creation/Editing window’s pop-up menu, allow users to manually reorder transaction line items. These menu items are only available when the default value Sort Transaction Items By is set to the Insertion Order option.
  • New menu item, Load From File, added to the Creation/Editing window’s pop-up menu, allows users to load line items from a text file. The text file can be created from any source including a portable data scanner.
  • New pop-up menu, added to the Invoice, Order, and Open Order Selection windows, allows users to resend order shipping and new order confirmation email respectively.
  • Added column, Total, to Invoice, Order, and Quote Selection windows, shows users the transaction total.
  • Added mouse-over, on Invoice Selection window, shows users the transactions ship via and tracking number information.
  • Added display field, Sale Unit, to Transaction Item Information window.
  • Modified Creation/Editing, Shipping, and Transfer window height shows users more line items in each window.
  • Removed confirmation window displayed before invoice and order editing.

Recurring Invoices

  • New menu item, Item Cost/Properties, added to the Recurring Invoice Creation/Editing window’s pop-up menu, allows users to modify an item’s cost and taxation.
  • Modified function, Process Recurring Invoice, now checks for any changes to tax categories.
  • Modified function, Pull Price Update From Stock Code, now uses customer specific pricing if any is present.
  • Modified function, Pull Price Update From Stock Code, now includes container items.


  • New selection/entry field, Status, added to the Order Creation/Edition window’s General tab, allows users to specify an order’s status.
  • New menu item, Item Cost/Properties, added to the Order Shipping window’s pop-up menu, allows users to modify an item’s cost and taxation.
  • Added warning window, during order shipping process, alerts users when the customer has the Bad Debit/Check check box set.
  • Added selection/entry field, Ship Via, on the Order Shipping window, allows users to set or modify the shipping method.
  • Added button, Customer, on the Order Shipping window, allows users to view or modify customer information.
  • Added button, Container, on the Order Shipping window, allows users to modify containers when shipping an order.


  • New menu item, Update with Current Prices, added to the Creation/Editing window’s pop-up menu, allows users to updates all quote items, but not the contents of containers, to current prices including customer specific pricing if any is present.

Serial Number Selection window

  • New display field, Items Selected, added to the window footer, shows users how many serial numbers are selected.
  • Modified window height shows users more line items.

Serial Number Processing window

  • New display field, Items, added to the window footer, shows users how many serial numbers are selected.
  • Modified window height shows users more line items.


  • New menu item, Location Maintenance, added to the Inventory menu, allows users to manage the values entered in the Location field on the Stock Code Information window.
  • Modified functions, Clone, Rename, and Merge, now populate the Stock Code Entry window for the target code with the stock code name selected as the source code.

Stock Code Selection Window

  • New check box, Exclude Zero On-Hand Items, allows users to filter the stock code list to only those items with an on-hand quantity.
  • New menu item, View Sales History, added to the window’s pop-up menu, shows users the stock code’s sales history.
  • New menu item, View Other Locations On-Hand, added to the window’s pop-up menu, shows users the stock code’s on-hand quantity in all data locations defined through the Location Setup function that are defined as either a Local Sales Location or a Mobile Location.
  • New display fields, Discount 4 and Discount 5, display new pricing levels.

Stock Code Selection Window, Pop-up Menu – Allocated Detail Information Window

  • New pop-up menu allows users to either print or edit the currently selected transaction.

Stock Code Selection Window, Pop-up Menu – On Order Detail Information Window

  • New pop-up menu allows users to either print or edit the currently selected transaction.

Stock Code Selection Window, Pop-up Menu – Receiving History Window

  • Added columns, PO number, Ext PO Number, and Receiving #, display the receiving session information.

Stock Code Selection Window, Pop-up Menu – Stock Code Sales History Window

  • New pop-up menu allows users to either print or edit the currently selected transaction.

Stock Code Information Window

  • New list, Stock Code, allows users to quickly navigate between stock codes.
  • New menu, Function, provides users with access to the New, Clone, and Delete functions directly from this window.
  • New entry field, Reminder, allows users to specify a sales message that is issued when the item is sold. This message could note any restrictions (e.g., customer age limit, ID required) or additional sales opportunities (e.g., accessory for item, upgrade option). When populated, a confirmation window is displayed when the stock code is entered on a transaction.
  • New entry fields, Discount 4 and Discount 5, allow users to specify two additional pricing levels.
  • New entry fields, Alt Code 2 and Alt Code 3, allow users to specify two additional alternate search values for the stock code. When searching for a stock code, these fields are searched following the Stock Code and Alt Code fields.
  • New price methods, Add Amount to Cost, Subtract Amount From List, and Subtract Amount From Sale, added to Pricing Method selection fields on the Pricing tab.
  • Added display field, Extended Cost, shows users the extended cost (i.e., cost x quantity on hand) of the stock code.
  • Added display field, Image, below the image on the image tab, shows users the original file name. The name is populated when a new image is added to the stock code.
  • Modified field, Location, is now a selection/entry field.
  • Added code to prevent changing a container item with serialized items to an assembly.

Serialized Editing Window

  • New pop-up menu allows users to view or edit the transaction associated with a serial number.
  • New window grid allows users to type directly in a grid field that results in being positioned to the first matching entry in that column.
  • Modified field, Search For, now filters the list of items displayed as users type.
  • Modified window height shows users more line items.

Inventory Worksheet Update Window

  • New menu item, Load From File function, added to the window’s pop-up menu, allows users to load line items from a text file. The text file can be created from any source including a portable data scanner.
  • Added column, Description, shows users the stock code description.

Batch Label Criteria Window

  • Added check box, Exclude Items w/0 On-Hand, limits labels to those stock codes with an on-hand quantity.
  • Modified field, Location, is now a selection/entry field.

Inventory Category, Subcategory, Manufacturer, and Location Maintenance Windows

  • New menu item, Set Filter and Clear Filter, added to the window’s pop-up menu, allows users to filter stock codes in the Associated Item list.
  • New button, Delete Unused Entries, added to windows’ footer, allows users to remove all entries with no associated items.
  • New window controls allow users to filter both the list of values in the left hand column and the Associated Items list.

Batch Rename/Merge/Delete Window

  • Modified function, Load List, now auto-detects whether the text file imported is comma or tab delimited.

Container Item Definition Window

  • New check box, Suppress Printing, allows users to specify whether container items print on transactions.
  • Added entry field, Add Description, allows users to enter an additional description for the container item.
  • Added display field, Sale Unit, displays the stock code sale unit.


  • New function that tracks when an assembly is built or broken down, allows users to report on assembly history.
  • New button, Print Assembly Contents, added to the Build Assembly Detail window, allows users to print the contents of an assembly.

Transfer Menu

  • New menu item, Load From File, added to the Inventory Transfer Creation/Editing window’s pop-up menu, allows users to load line items from a text file. The text file can be created from any source including a portable data scanner.
  • New, warning window, issued from the Inventory Transfer Creation/Editing window, alerts users when a transfer quantity is greater than the current on-hand quantity.
  • Added the ability, for transfers to remote locations, to save transfer files to locations other than floppy drives.
  • Added the ability, for transfers from remote locations, to open transfer files from locations other than floppy drives.
  • Modified Transfer Creation/Editing and Pending Transfer Selection window heights shows users more items.

Purchase Orders

  • New menu item, Clone, added to the PO menu, allows users to create a new purchase order based on any existing purchase order.

PO Creation/Editing Window

  • New menu items, Move Item Up and Move Item Down, added to the window’s pop-up menu, allow users to manually reorder transaction line items. These menu items are only available when the default value Sort Transaction Items By is set to the Insertion Order option.
  • New menu item, Load From File, added to the window’s pop-up menu, allows users to load line items from a text file. The text file can be created from any source including a portable data scanner.
  • New menu item, View Sales History, added to the window’s pop-up menu, shows users the stock code’s sales history.
  • Modified window height shows users more line items.

Batch PO Creation Window

  • New window controls allow users to edit the Quantity, Cost, and Vendor fields directly in the grid by typing in the grid cell.
  • New tab, Notes, allows users to enter purchase order notes. The notes entered are added to all POs created during the process.
  • Modified selection criteria now includes RMA quantities to match the inventory Reorder report selection criteria.
  • Modified report generation process, when the list of stock codes is restriction to a single vendor and the output destination is email, now enters the email address of the selected vendor.
  • New menu item, View Sales History, added to the window’s pop-up menu, shows users the stock code’s sales history.
  • Modified window height shows users more line items.

PO Item Information and Batch PO Creation Item Information Windows

  • New menu item, View Sales History, added to the window’s pop-up menu, shows users the stock code’s sales history.
  • New double-click ability, for either the Stock Code or Vendor Code display field, allows users to copy the field value into the clipboard.

PO Receiving and Direct Receiving Windows

  • New menu item, Load From File, added to the window’s pop-up menu, allows users to load line items from a text file. The text file can be created from any source including a portable data scanner.
  • Added display field, Total, to the footer of the window, shows users the total (i.e., Item Cost, Shipping, Tax, and GST) for the receiving session.
  • Added columns, List Price and Sale Price, on the post-receiving Pricing Adjustment window, show users the received items’ list and sale price.
  • Modified window height shows users more line items.


Customer Information Window
  • New menu item, Customer Account History Report, added to the window’s pop-up menu, allows users to view the receivables Detailed Account History report.
  • New menu item, Print Detail Sheet, added to the window’s footer, allows users to print the Customer Detail Information report for the selected customer.
  • New menu item, View Customer Detail Information, added to the window’s pop-up menu, allows users to open the new window, View Customer Information.

Customer Information Window

  • New button, Print Detail Sheet, added to the window’s footer, allows users to print the Customer Detail Information report for selected customer.
  • New radio box, Verification Address, allows users to associate credit card numbers with either the customer’s billing or shipping address for Address Verifications Systems (AVS).
  • Modified display field, Customer, on the window’s header, shows users the full customer name and number.
  • Modified tab, Special Pricing, allows users to filter or group by any single column or multiple columns. As well, entry into the fields Stock Code, Category, and Manufacturer is validated against the option specified in the Price By field. If values are entered into either of the other two fields, these values are discarded before the record is saved to the database.

Customer Sales History Window

  • New pop-up menu allows users to print, edit, or clone the selected transaction.

Customer Category Maintenance Windows

  • New menu item, Set Filter and Clear Filter, added to the window’s pop-up menu, allows users to filter customers in the Associated Item list.
  • New button, Delete Unused Entries, added to windows’ footer, allows users to remove all entries with no associated items.
  • New window controls allow users to filter both the Category list and the Associated Items list.


  • New menu item, Query, added to Vendor menu, shows users all the vendor information in a new, non-editable, and non-tabbed window, View Vendor Information.

Vendor Selection Window

  • New button, Print Detail Sheet, added to the window’s footer, allows users to print the Vendor Detail Information report for the selected vendor.
  • Added display fields, City, State, and Customer #, to the Vendor Selection window.

Vendor Information Window

  • New entry field, Default PO Days, allows users to specify number of days to use when calculating PO expected dates for the vendor.
  • New button, Print Detail Sheet, added to the window’s footer, allows users to print the Vendor Detail Information report for the vendor.

Vendor History Detail Window

  • New pop-up menu allows users to print, edit, or clone the selected transaction.



  • New warning window, added to Reset Account function, alerts users when unposted credits are present.
  • New pop-up menu, Show Payment/Adjustment Detail, added to the Account Undo Facility window, allows users to view the payment/credit/adjustment applied to the selected transaction.
  • Modified Account Undo Facility and Unposted Credit/Payment Selection window heights show users more line items.

Payable Selection Window

  • New display fields, Count and Total, show users the number of payables listed and the total dollar value for those payables. When users filter the list (e.g., by payee), the count and total displayed is for the filtered items only.
  • Modified default window sort order to be by the payable Due Date.


  • New menu item, Breakdown Category Maintenance, added to the Banking menu, allows users to manage the values entered in the Category field on the Breakdown Information window.
  • New window controls allow users to filter both the Category list and the Associated Items list.

Cash Drawer

  • New report, Combined Cash Drawer Report, allows users to view both unassigned and session transactions on one report.
  • Modified report, Cash Drawer Session Report, displays the cash drawer session status, Open or Closed, at print time.
  • Modified drawer session initialization function prevents users from entering a negative Starting Amount value
  • Modified field, Description, allows users to enter 30 characters rather than the previous 20.


  • New check boxes, Create Recurring Invoices, Edit Recurring Invoices, and Process Recurring Invoices, added to the Sales & Service tab, allow users to control access to these functions separate from invoices.
  • New check box, Enable Transaction Item Cost Change, added to the Sales & Service tab, allows users to control access to the Item Cost/Properties menu item on transactions’ pop-up menu.
  • New check boxes, View Customers and View Vendors, added to the Customers & Vendors tab, allow users to control access to view customer and vendor information via the new Query menu items.
  • New check boxes, Clear Quick Notes, added to the Customers & Vendors tab, allow users to control the ability to clear customer and vendor quick notes when creating/editing transactions.
  • New check boxes, Change Customer Salesperson, added to the Customers & Vendors tab, allow users to control the ability to change the salesperson separate from the ability to edit other customer information.
  • New check boxes, Create Inventory Transfer and Receiving Inventory Transfer, added to the Inventory tab, allow users to control access to the receive function separate form the other transfer functions.
  • New check box, Direct Receiving, added to the PO tab, allow users to control access to this functions separate from purchase order receiving.


Service Order Creation/Editing and Service Order Quote Creation/Editing Windows

  • New tab, SO Parts List, displays the parts from all jobs on the service order. While the items on the tab are non-editable, the windows' popup menu allows users to edit the job associated with the item.
  • New tab, Quoted Values, on the Service Order Creation/Editing window, has entry fields for both the originally quoted and revised values for labor, parts, sublet, and disposal. Transferring a service order quote to a service order populates the Originally Quoted Values fields on the service order and locks these fields for editing. As well once a value is entered into these fields in a service order and the service order saved, the fields cannot be edited again. These fields are available for printing on custom service order formats.
  • New button, Ship To, added to the General tab, allows users to specify an alternate shipping address.
  • New button, Print SO Labels, added to the windows’ footer, allows users to print labels for tagging received equipment.
  • New selection/entry field, Status, added to the Service Order Creation/Edition window’s General tab, allows users to specify an order’s status.
  • New selection/entry field, Ship Via, added to the Service Order Creation/Edition window’s General tab, allows users to specify an orders shipping method.

SO Job Information Window

  • New menu items, Move Item Up and Move Item Down, added to the Job Parts tab’s pop-up menu, allow users to manually reorder transaction line items. These menu items are only available when the default value Sort Transaction Items By is set to the Insertion Order option.
  • New menu item, Load From File, added to the window’s pop-up menu, allows users to load line items from a text file. The text file can be created from any source including a portable data scanner.
  • Added ability to insert duplicate stock codes on the Job Parts tab.

Job Template Maintenance

  • New window controls allow users to filter both the Job Code list and the Associated Items list.
  • Modified the Use Default Rate check box such that once it is selected, the Labor Rate field is non-editable and a job created from the template uses the current default labor rate.


Vendor RMA

  • Modified serial number receiving function now verifies that a replacement serial number is not already in the system.


  • New menu item, Extract Images, added to the Inventory menu, allows users to extract inventory images as JPEG image files.
  • New sub-menu, Assemblies, added to the Inventory menu.
  • New menu item, Summary Assembly Build/Breakdown, added to the Assemblies sub-menu, allows users to display the assemblies built and/or broken down over the specified date range.
  • New menu item, Detail Assembly Build/Breakdown, added to the Assemblies sub-menu, allows users to display the items in the assemblies built and/or broken down over the specified date range.
  • Added Date Range Entry window, for the Customer Service History report, allows users to specify the report's date range. The default date range is one year.
  • Modified transaction reports for invoices, orders, quotes, service orders, and service order quotes now display the transaction totals on the last page only when there are multiple pages.
  • Modified window, Stock Code Report Criteria, now displays the beginning and ending values for Location as selection fields.
  • Modified window, Receiving List Selection, for the Reprint Receiving Labels report, now allows users to select multiple receiving sessions.

SQL Interface

  • New menu item, Export Results, added to the File menu, allows users to export query results to a comma or tab delimited text file.
  • New window controls allow users to filter Results grid by one or more columns.


Atrex Setup Window – Options tab

  • New check box, No sales to Bad Debt Customers, allows users to prevent sales to customers with the bad check/balance flag set.
  • New check box, Skip General Info on Sales Transactions, allows users to open sales transactions on the Line Items tab.
  • New check box, Prompt on Insufficient On-Hand Quantity for Assy Build, allows users to specify if a warning window is displayed when there is an attempt to build or break down assemblies beyond current inventory on-hand quantities.
  • New check box, Prompt for Statement Labels, allows users to specify if a confirmation window is displayed to print labels after statement processing.
  • New check box, Prompt on CC Number Verification, allows users to specify if an entry window is displayed to enter the last four digits of swiped credit card number to verify that the mag stripe matches the embossed number.
  • New check box, Prompt on Overshipping Order Items, allows users to specify if a confirmation window is displayed when users, from the Shipping Item Information window, enter a quantity that, together with any previously shipped quantities, exceed the ordered quantity .

Atrex Setup Window – Defaults tab

  • New selection field, Weight Decimal Places, allows users to specify the number of decimal places used for inventory item weight. The range is from 2 to 5 decimal places.
  • New selection field, Sort Transaction Items By, allows users to specify whether transaction items are sorted alphabetical by stock code, or in the order the items are entered. Selecting to sort in the order the items are entered also controls the order the items are printed on transaction report formats including customized formats. As well, when the Insertion Order option is selected, users can manually reorder items from within transactions.
  • New selection field, Def. Breakdown, allows users to specify the default breakdown category used to assign any unassigned amount (i.e., what is not assigned to Shipping, Tax, and GST on the Purchase Order or Direct Receiving window) when generating a payable through receiving a purchase order or direct receiving.
  • New selection field, New Order Conformation, allows users to specify whether a confirmation is emailed to customers after creating an order.
  • New selection field, Order Shipping Conformation, allows users to specify whether a confirmation is emailed to customers after shipping the order to an invoice.
  • New selection field, Email Type, allows users to specify whether to send confirmation emails as HTML embedded in the body of an email message or as an attachment.

Lookup Selection Setup Menu

  • New menu item, Order/SO Status, allows users to populate the lookup table associated with the selection field Status found on the General tab of sales and service orders.

Locations Menu

  • Modified menu order so that option Reports/Central Location is the first entry.


  • Modified import function to check for non-standard comma delimited import data and use the Alternate Comma Parsing method if needed.
  • Modified mapping function to use customers’ global unique identifier when importing from an existing Atrex database table.
  • Modified the Data Mapping windows’ height to display more line items.

Credit Card Processors Setup

  • Added the ability to process debit cards using a Vesatalis/eSwipe merchant processing account.

Report Designer

  • New window controls ensure that selected design items remain selected even after changing tabs.
  • New window controls allow users to personalize the look of the designer through themes. The theme chosen for the designer is also applied to the print preview when the output destination for reports is selected as Screen.
  • New data access functions support direct access to the Atrex data without the need for a DataView. This allows users to have direct runtime control of the query, the criteria, and even record navigation.
  • New AutoSearch lookup functions enhance the prompt capabilities of user-defined reports allowing for lookup lists, direct table lookup, and calendar date selection.
  • New function, GetCurrentAtrexUserID, allows users to retrieve the user ID of the person running the report when user security is enabled.

Database Server

  • New tab, Atrex, added to the Atrex Server Administrator window, allows users to access Quick Setup and Backup Options buttons.
  • New button, Quick Setup, on the Atrex tab of the Atrex Server Administrator window, allows users automatically configure the server and to generate instructions on how to set up the workstations to connect to the server. The user prints these instructions and then goes to each workstation on the network and configures the central and data locations.
  • New button, Backup Options, on the Atrex tab of the Atrex Server Administrator window, allows users to configure automatic backups purging after a specified number of days. As well, users can configure automatic copying of backups to another location after the backup is complete. The location can be any storage device such as a network drive or removable media.

If you are upgrading from a version of Atrex earlier than 11, version 12 will also include the changes that went into versions Atrex 8, Atrex 9, Atrex 10, and Atrex 11.

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